15.We are coming up the steps of the temple of Mars Ultor that was dedicated by Augustus to Mars , the avenger.
16.The establishment of our GRE computer data has enabled us to come up with innovative tactics for doing well on the GRE.
GRE电脑数据库的建立, 使我们有了新的策略来有效地应付GRE考试。
17.I was sitting in a cafe minding my own business when a man came up to me and hit me in the face.
18.In one trial, a white, goateed, middle-aged man came up as most resembling the young black comedian Chris Tucker — and onlookers exclaimed, "You know, I can see that."
19.It is the reason why the wildcatter, the independent oilman whose test drillings might come up dry 20 times before gushing in the end, is an enduring Texas symbol.
20.In the March issue of the Harvard Business Review, Tammy Erickson and Lynda Gratton came up with some practical ideas that might help even the most unengaging of managers.